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SAYONARA: Ron DeSantis brings his imploding, illegal POTUS campaign to Japan

SAYONARA: Ron DeSantis brings his imploding, illegal POTUS campaign to Japan

SAYONARA: Ron DeSantis brings his imploding, illegal POTUS campaign to Japan

Florida Governor and potential 2024 Trump challenger Ron DeSantis is trying to boost his political CV with an overseas “foreign policy” trip, starting with a visit to Japan.

This, as Florida has suffered historic flooding, gas shortages, a record high property insurance crisis and, we don’t have enough time or space here to go on.

Reichstag Ron met with both Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi in Tokyo on Monday, the first of four stops on his international Tour of Terror.

Japan described the meeting as a simple “courtesy,” but Ron seems to think he’s big in Japan.

Newsflash: he’s not. And this unhinged bad acting is just the latest proof.

The smallest man in America with the biggest death jones is a huge fan of Japan’s five-year, $315 billion military expansion plan as China and North Korea are increasing missile launches.

ICYMI, the Little Florida Boy to Trump’s Florida Fat Man has been busy turning his fireswamp state into a death camp full of uneducated coked-up alligators carrying AR-15s.

“DeathSantis” also thought the prisoners at Gitmo got off too easy, so it makes sense that he’d want to give his microboner a boost by learning about how American POWs were tortured during WWII.

“We very much applaud your efforts to bolster your defenses,” DeathSantis told Prime Minister Kishida.

“We understand it’s a tough neighborhood out here … and we really believe that a strong Japan is good for America, and a strong America is good for Japan,” he said.

What “tough neighborhood” is the Floriduh Fascist referring to? America? Asia? The whole planet?

We might just find out what he means at his next stop in South Korea, because he’s not welcome at Kim Jong-un’s, I guess.

The Terror Tour will then continue on to Israel, where I’m sure the Fake Christian/Real anti-Semitic Netan-yahoo will kiss up to Bibi bigly while staging a photo op at the Western Wall.

RELATED: DeSantis speaking at Israel’s Museum of Tolerance is some sick shtick

You are not Big in Japan or anywhere else, Tiny Trumpette.

Winter’s cityside, crystal bits of snowflakesAll around my head and in the wind

If Commander DeathSantis gets his way, the United States will become one great big internment camp with zero books for anyone who isn’t a white Christian Republican.

Tara Dublin
Tara is a reported opinion columnist at Occupy Democrats. She's a woefully underappreciated and unrepresented writer currently shopping for a super cool novel that has nothing to do with politics while also fighting fascism on a daily. Follow her on Twitter @taradublinrocks

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