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NOTHINGBURGER: Jim Jordan investigations compared to bogus Benghazi hearings

NOTHINGBURGER: Jim Jordan investigations compared to bogus Benghazi hearings

Jim Jordan investigations compared to bogus Benghazi hearings

Americans really don’t seem to care about Hunter Biden’s addiction issues or his business dealings and don’t believe those dealings involved his father, according to some GOP strategists and pols.

“Smells like Benghazi,” as characterized by GOP strategist Mike Madrid.

Not only does Madrid’s statement speak to the political reality but it also sounds like he doesn’t expect to find any significant underlying facts to the weaponization of government committee hearings, presided over by Jim Jordan.

From the moderate Republican point of view, the quicker they figure out that President Joe Biden did not spend 45 years navigating Washington by making illegal shady deals to get rich, the quicker they can turn to things that matter.

Additionally, according to a Politico report, some GOP politicians and strategists believe they don’t have much time left to concentrate on the economy, the border, crime, and issues hitting them at home rather than the “Biden crime family” bullsh*t.

Speaker McCarthy seemed to walk back some of his comments about an “impeachment inquiry” that he floated just days ago. From the report:

“McCarthy himself tempered comments the day before that suggested an imminent impeachment inquiry, clarifying that Republicans merely “could” move forward with one. And Republicans seeking the presidential nomination are mostly shying away from the younger Biden’s legal and personal issues, commenting on them in passing, but opting instead to hit Biden on the economy and foreign policy.”

Of course, no matter how much “common sense” leaks from calm and thoughtful heads, they still have to deal with the insanity of the Freedom Caucus, whose quotes and antics always make news that clouds over talk about real issues.

The Freedom Caucus works for Trump — and Trump wants his pound of flesh from the guy who beat him and against the party that impeached him twice.

To quote Trump from 24 hours ago on Truth Social:


Yes, Trump is happy to talk about the greatest economy in history, how he had the perfect border, that he’d end the war tomorrow, and all that, but the comments about the “Biden crime family” drives the Freedom Caucus narrative that is essential to McCarthy keeping his Speakership.

“The Biden crime family” may be the best example of projection and propaganda in history.

But Jim Jordan can’t seem to come up with any evidence — and it’s starting to infuriate the GOP analysts and moderates who are more interested in keeping their seats.

Again, from Mike Madrid, “Republicans are trying desperately to make a story. It’s always, ‘We’ve got a witness coming, we’ve got more coming.’ It’s always next week. It’s like a soap opera, ‘Tune in next week.’”

Yep. Smells like Benghazi.

Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.), chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee, says, “I think when we get home, the focus is the economy, the border, crime. These are the issues that matter and these are the issues we’re talking about.”

He also said that the “Hunter Biden issue” was a controversy in Washington DC but nowhere else.

It is also a controversy at Mar-a-Lago and Bedminster, which ensures it’s an issue in Washington.

Given the frustration about the focus on Hunter and the “Biden crime family,” there is a sense that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is leading the Republican parade right over a cliff again, always investigating, always “wait until next week.”

Despite what most Democrats think, there are some moderate Republicans in the House that may be interested in making some deals with the Democrats on legislation.

But their hands are tied.

McCarthy’s ridiculous deal with the Freedom Caucus leaves him paralyzed, the weakest speaker in history.

If McCarthy proposed a deal with the Democrats to improve immigration law (something desperately needed), he’d lose the Speaker’s gavel by 5:00 p.m. that day.

Meanwhile, the Democrats need a picture of Hunter or Wray testifying before Congress that mimics the disinterest and boredom of Hillary Clinton during her last Benghazi hearing to really nail it home.

But no one in the GOP believes he or she can stop Jim Jordan and his hard-charging “weaponization of government” committee.

And Jack Smith seems awfully busy these days.

If Republicans want to talk about anything going on back home, they better damned well hurry.

This column is based on reporting by  Natalie Allison and Ally Mutnick for Politico.

More from Occupy Democrats: WHAT GOES AROUND: GOP Congressman gets a taste of his own MAGA medicine

I can be reached at or on Twitter “X” @JasonMiciak

Editor’s Note: This is an opinion piece reflecting the opinion of the author alone

Jason Miciak
Jason Miciak is an associate editor and opinion writer for Occupy Democrats. He's a Canadian-American who grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He is a trained attorney, but for the last five years, he's devoted his time to writing political news and analysis. He enjoys life on the Gulf Coast as a single dad to a 15-year-old daughter. Hobbies include flower pots, cooking, and doing what his daughter tells him they're doing. Sign up to get all of my posts by email right here:

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