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WH spox complains media is focused on “negative aspect” of Trump saying John Dingell is in hell

WH spox complains media is focused on “negative aspect” of Trump saying John Dingell is in hell

During the bizarre and surreal Trump rally last night in Battle Creek, Michigan, the president predictably said a number of heinously offensive things and lashed out at his political enemies. But it was the insinuation that the late Democratic Representative John Dingell was in hell and “looking up” at his wife, Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell, that drew the most outrage from the media and political establishment alike.

Multiple Republican politicians, including Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) and Paul Mitchell (R-MI) have demanded an apology from the president over his remarks. The View host Meghan McCain slammed his comments as “sick and cruel” and even FOX’s hosts felt sympathy for John Dingell’s widow, Debbie Dingell in the wake of the President’s attack.

But the response from the White House has predictably been one of ridiculous excuses and attempts to argue that in fact it is the president who is the victim here, because the media is too obsessed with the “negative aspects” of the President joking about how a dead man who once criticized him was looking up at his wife from hell.

How either of them managed to say this with a straight face is beyond anyone. To try to make the president the victim for being criticized after he publicly trashed a dead man is a hundred miles past any kind of reasonable argument and is so deep into Dear Leader territory that it is chilling to witness.

McConnell admitted coordinating impeachment with Trump. Add your name to demand he recuse himself from the trial!

Only a complete sociopath like Donald Trump and his hooting and baying fans could think his display of shameful, spiteful display of petty cruelty was amusing or appropriate, and to hear the White House’s press team wave away his words are a sad and sharp reminder of how far we’ve fallen — and how badly we need to follow through with impeachment and drive him from office forever.



Staff Report
This is a staff report from former Occupy Democrats Editor in Chief Colin Taylor or contributor Rob Haffney.

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