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Trump Easter Twitter roundup: Resurrecting feuds and celebrating disaster declarations

Trump Easter Twitter roundup: Resurrecting feuds and celebrating disaster declarations

After supposedly spending the morning attending a virtual Easter service online, the only resurrections discernable on Donald Trump’s Twitter feed this afternoon have been his perpetual feuds with the media and his political opposition and his eternal braggadocio.

His choice of subjects to boast about, however, called the president’s mental stability into question as he seemed proud of being the first person to officially declare the entire country a disaster zone.

It was almost as if he was trying to demonstrate how many of the seven deadly sins he could exemplify with his social media posts.

Add your name to reject Trump & Republicans’ vile idea of sacrificing seniors’ lives to save the stock market!

Trump’s failure to note the incongruity between his proclamation of impending victory and the on-the-ground reality that required the disaster declaration is a sure sign that a responsible presidential cabinet should have long ago invoked the 25th Amendment to declared him unfit to continue to hold office on account of serious mental delusions.

With the collapse of oil prices during the pandemic being one of the few bright spots for the now down-trodden consumers who have been benefiting from the lowest gas prices in ages as a result — even if the stay-at-home orders prevent them from taking full advantage of the less expensive fuel — Trump celebrated his role in brokering a deal designed to raise those petroleum prices in a move that will primarily benefit his billionaire fossil fuel industry buddies and the “oiligarchs” in Russia and Suadi Arabia.

A great deal for all except those who want to save the planet from the encroaching climate disaster for whom the collapse of the existing energy industry and its replacement with renewable sources of power would help make a significant step forward in addressing an issue that won’t go away even once a vaccine to prevent infections from the COVID-19 is discovered.

Trump’s new-found antipathy towards one of his normally most reliable media boosters was on display in his next tweet.

Apparently the question mark key on the president’s phone was not working when he typed this mocking tweet demonstrating all the presidential decorum he is capable of in his role as Trump, the insult comic dog.

If Trump truly believed that he acted quickly enough to address the coronavirus pandemic, he might want to check the sentence structure in his next media-bashing tweet.

Admitting that “President Trump ‘ignored early warnings about the threat” as a “fact” may not be the best way to accuse the media of being corrupt, particularly when the “Fake News Opposition Party” publishes long email threads from concerned scientists who were warning him of the impending disaster as far back as February if he did not act immediately.

Trump’s next tweet could have been ripped right out of the GOP playbook as it exactly describes Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s eight-year strategy upon the election of President Obama, minus the section about Joe Biden.

Actually, it’s now painfully obvious that it does matter whether Trump is right or wrong.

Unfortunately, his track record speaks for itself in pushing the scale objectively and definitively to the position of “always wrong.” He needs no help from the Democratic opposition or the media for sensible people to reach that conclusion on their own.

Trump’s last tweet of the afternoon really takes the cake, however. Having already redefined the role of the federal government during the coronavirus pandemic to absolve himself of any responsibility in the ultimate excuse for his failures to act in a timely and effective manner, Trump offloads his responsibilities to the states and their governors once again with this lie-filled and semi-coherent post.

No excuses, except his own. The federal government is there to help, but get your own damn face masks!

Ask your doctor about the availability of COVID-19 tests right now and then ask your statistician about the per capita rate of testing in this country versus, say South Korea, where the first recorded case of coronavirus was detected at about the same time as the first cases in the U.S.

The thing every American needs to gear up with is their vote. It’s a shame we have to wait until November to use it.

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Vinnie Longobardo
Managing Editor
Vinnie Longobardo is the Managing Editor of Occupy Democrats. He's a 35-year veteran of the TV, mobile & internet industries, specializing in start-ups and the international media business. His passions are politics, music, and art.

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