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DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Biden continues attack on MAGA Republicans in Wisconsin speech

DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Biden continues attack on MAGA Republicans in Wisconsin speech

DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: Biden continues attack on MAGA Republicans in Wisconsin speech

Whether you refer to him as President Biden or by his recent sobriquet “Dark Brandon,” there is no doubt that Joe Biden is on a major roll.

With his poll numbers soaring again after bottoming out earlier this summer, Biden is riding a series of legislative victories and charging into leading the Democrats to accomplish a rare reversal of the mid-term curse against incumbent parties thanks to an unprecedented series of missteps from Republicans — most recently the discovery of stolen classified documents in the possession of their presumed 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump.

President Biden has been hitting the road to campaign for Democratic candidates and to press his attacks on the anti-democracy leanings of Trump’s MAGA Republicans, carefully exempting traditional mainstream members of the GOP from his critiques.

On this Labor Day, President Biden traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to give a wide-ranging speech that hit all of the points that he wants to communicate to the public.

Biden was careful to couch his remarks as aimed at that subspecies of Republicans who support the “semi-fascist” Trump agenda, not those few who reject that authoritarian wing.

Still, it was difficult to exempt members of a party that unilaterally and mostly unanimously rejected the bulk of the Democratic legislative agenda aimed at helping the average American rather than corporate oligarchs. Biden blamed the fear that many moderate Republicans have of being primaried out of a job.

While lambasting MAGA politicians, Biden maintained his self-effacing brand of humor — a welcome change from the megalomaniacal ravings of the former narcissist-in-chief.

The Democratic president was brutal in his assessment of the pharmaceutical industry and the incumbent Republican Wisconsin senator who kowtows to Big Pharma’s wishes.

Biden reminded the audience that for all his law & order rhetoric, Senator Johnson had referred to the violent January 6th insurrection and riot at the Capitol as a “peaceful protest.”

He also vowed to be as persistent in his defense of democracy as Senator Johnson has been as one of the MAGA Republicans who Biden is now calling the “Trumpies.”

One of those “Trumpies” tried to disrupt Biden’s speech with a prolonged bout of heckling, but Biden waved off the Secret Service who were escorting the heckler out of the building, citing his free speech rights that entitle him “to be an idiot.”

Democrats are heartened by President Biden’s new-found aggressiveness toward his political opponents, a likely cause for the rise in his approval numbers.

With Biden on the campaign trail, Democrats have an opportunity to avoid a red sweep of the midterms — as long Biden switches his focus away from trying to unify all Americans to instead simply appealing to the sane people out there.

If this is what they call “Dark Brandon,” then please, Mr. President, go darker!

Original reporting by Acyn.

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Vinnie Longobardo
Managing Editor
Vinnie Longobardo is the Managing Editor of Occupy Democrats. He's a 35-year veteran of the TV, mobile & internet industries, specializing in start-ups and the international media business. His passions are politics, music, and art.

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