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REVEALED: How Trump got boosted during CNN commercial breaks

REVEALED: How Trump got boosted during CNN commercial breaks

REVEALED: How Trump got boosted during CNN commercial breaks

CNN received nearly universal criticism for giving Donald Trump 70 minutes of free air time just one day after he was found liable for sexual abuse and defamation.

The fallout from last Wednesday night’s Town Hall continued into the new week as more details emerged Monday regarding his aggressive behavior toward the female moderator.

It’s bad enough that we knew CNN hand-picked a pro-Trump audience. But they also did a warm-up and instructed the audience to not boo.

Instead, they were told to applaud and laugh at Trump’s jokes. Which they did at the expense of several women.

At the outset, Trump was noticeably agitated by Kaitlan Collins as she repeatedly tried to ask him questions regarding his endless lies about the 2020 election.

Instead of answering, Trump did that thing where he just lied louder than she was truthing. But Sleepy Don still seemed low-energy to anyone watching.

During the first commercial break, Trump retreated to his safe snowflake space backstage where his aides awaited him.

Top Trump adviser/deadbeat dad/massage parlor regular/traitorous chinless freak Jason Miller used that time to pump the p-grabber right back up.

Imagine a MAGA version of “Rocky” where Trump is a much more paunchy and pathetic palooka to Miller’s malevolent Mickey.

Miller showed Trump tweets from Democrats blasting the Town Hall and made it seem like they were saying Trump was winning.

One tweet, in particular, seemed to boost the baby-man’s fragile fee-fee’s.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY via the free rent she enjoys in all MAGA heads) shared her criticism of the broadcast.

“CNN should be ashamed of themselves,” Rep. AOC tweeted before the first break.

“They have lost total control of this ‘town hall’ to again be manipulated into platforming election disinformation, defenses of Jan 6th, and a public attack on a sexual abuse victim.”

“The audience is cheering him on and laughing at the host.”

Miller also showed Trump a tweet from utterly useless Andrew Yang.

“This #CNNTownhall is shaping up to be a clear win for Trump,” Yang dogwhistled. “Certainly in the Republican field and probably overall.”

Finally, this missive from the Never Trumpers at The Lincoln Project made Tiny Hands extra big mad:

“Call this town hall what it is: a CNN sponsored Trump 2024 fundraiser. Disgraceful.”

Miller’s methods worked magically on the MAGA mook, and he went into Round Two fully fortified to eff things up.

The newly boosted bully was noticeably more aggro toward Collins after that. Like most people who end up in Trump’s orbit, she eventually gave up trying to either stop or contain Trump.

At least the ratings showed that he still can’t beat Joe Biden.

Twitter users were still dragging Donny on Monday for defaming E. Jean Carroll and the rest of his MAGA malfeasance.

[WRITER’S NOTE: Both Donald Trump and Jason Miller have blocked me on Twitter since 2015]


Other hot takes by Tara Dublin can be found on TikTok and Twitter @taradublinrocks.

Tara Dublin
Tara is a reported opinion columnist at Occupy Democrats. She's a woefully underappreciated and unrepresented writer currently shopping for a super cool novel that has nothing to do with politics while also fighting fascism on a daily. Follow her on Twitter @taradublinrocks

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