Sean Spicer grew visibly frustrated at reporters this afternoon during his daily press conference as they poked fun at his attempts to spin the inclusion of border fence expansion funds as the “big beautiful wall” that President Trump promised his supporters.

“In January the President gave an interview deriding the ‘little toy walls’ on the southern border…and said I don’t know why they are even wasting their time. Why is the government focused on existing border security measures than fighting for the wall that was promised?#8221; asked Charlie Spiering of Breitbart “News.”

Spicer then put some images up on the wall showing the existing border fence and the types of fencing that the government will be erecting to support it.

The reporter didn’t miss up an opportunity to poke Spicer and asked if those were photographs of fences or walls.

“There are various types of walls that can be built under the legislation that was just passed. That is called a levee wall, and that is called a ballard wall” said Spicer, pointing to the images.

“That’s a fence” responds Spiering. Spicer then grows visibly angry as he tries to insist that these fences are in fact technically walls, but Spiering didn’t let him get away with it:

“So you’re basically just telling the president’s supporters to be satisfied with this existing tough-guy fencing thing until he’s ready to build the wall?”

“No! What I’m telling anybody is that the president said he’s going to build a wall and he’s doing it. And he’s using the best technology” complained Spicer.

It’s hilarious to try to see the Press Secretary try to spin the fact that Trump has failed to secure funding for the promise that defined his entire campaign.

Watch it here: