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Trump Just Gave A Terrifying Response To Flynn’s Resignation (TWEET)

Trump Just Gave A Terrifying Response To Flynn’s Resignation (TWEET)

President Donald Trump has decided to finally respond to the resignation of his National Security Advisor and the rekindling of the media firestorm around his connections to the Russian Federation – albeit only after some consultation with his most trusted adviser, FOX News.

At 9:15, FOX News aired a segment discussing the flurry of leaks from the White House by disgruntled staffers, including the information that Flynn had lied to Vice-President Pence and the rest of the nation about whether or not he had discussed sanction relief in his secret calls to the Russian ambassador.

Thirteen minutes later, Trump finally decided to speak out on the matter, having been thoroughly convinced that the “real story” are the leaks coming out of Washington, and not the possibly treasonous actions of his appointees or his long-documented links to the Russian government.

There has been a flood of leaks from the Trump administration to the press, much to the fury of the President. Trump has grown increasingly paranoid and believes that there are elements of the intelligence community “out to get him.” In turn, reports POLITICO, the intelligence community believes that Trump “does not possess the capacity for detail and nuance required to handle the sensitive issues discussed on the calls.”

How the tables have turned. Just a few months ago, as Wikileaks was spilling the Clinton camp’s dirty laundry for all the world to see, Trump proclaimed he “loved” leaks. How ironic it is that leaks are the only thing his administration has accomplished so far.

Trump’s tweet is an indication of how he will try to spin this to the public; that there are disloyal agents creating misinformation, that these leaks are somehow “illegal,” and undermining his ability to defend the nation, and it’s all lies to distract you. But this has gone too far. Trump and his cronies are not going to be able to walk away from this.

Colin Taylor
Opinion columnist and former editor-in-chief of Occupy Democrats. He graduated from Bennington College with a Bachelor's degree in history and political science. He now focuses on advancing the cause of social justice and equality in America.

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