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GOP Congressman: “I worry they’re going to expand health care and education’

GOP Congressman: “I worry they’re going to expand health care and education’

Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX) doesn’t have the high profile visibility of some of the Republican Party’s most camera-hogging and publicity-hungry lawmakers — like Representatives Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lauren Boebert, for instance —  but the Texas legislator made clear that his thinking represents the most hideous fears lurking inside the minds of those in the GOP about what the results of Democratic control of both Congress and the White House may mean for the future of America.

Appearing on Fox News this morning, Rep. McCaul expressed his opposition to the Biden administration’s grand infrastructure bill to host Mike Emanuel.

McCaul began his unfortunate remarks with an acknowledgment that infrastructure investment is both necessary and attractive to American voters of both parties.

“I think infrastructure is popular,” he said. “I think it is bipartisan. I know the Senate working with the president is trying to work out a bipartisan agreement. That’s our best chance for success here,” he opined.

Despite the need and desire for a bill that restores our crumbling roads and bridges — as well as one that addresses the many other impediments to sustainable economic progress and the wellbeing of our populace, like healthcare, childcare, and crushing student loan debt — McCaul sees anything that goes beyond paying for asphalt, steel, and manual labor as a metaphorical bridge too far.

“I think what the House [Speaker Nancy Pelosi] put forward was a totally partisan measure,” he declared. “One out of every two dollars went to the Green New Deal. Totally unacceptable to Republicans.”

The only thing that Congressman McCaul sees as acceptable to his caucus is spending on “traditional infrastructure” such as highways and bridges.

He accuses Democrats of trying to “muck it up,” by loading the infrastructure bill with things that fall outside of his narrow and short-sighted definition of the term.

“Things that have nothing to do with infrastructure,” McCaul lamented. “I worry that they’re going to expand health care and education that have nothing to do with infrastructure.”

Everyone knows, of course, that the United States has a surfeit of affordable health care options available to people of all economic statuses and that our educational system turns out nothing but successfully educated graduates fully prepared to handle any occupation that they choose at affordable costs — at least in McCaul’s delusional mind.

Congressman McCaul does a service to the American people by saying out loud what the vast majority of Republican politicians are thinking: that the American people don’t deserve the kind of guaranteed access to affordable health care and education that is a hallmark of every other major industrialized country in the world.

If only everyone who has ever complained about their health care, the high cost of college tuition, or the low quality of the education available at their local elementary and high schools would realize that any vote for a Republican candidate is a vote against solving those problems, and all so the GOP’s wealthy corporate oligarchs can retain their billions and continue to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.

You can watch Representative Michael McCaul inadvertently reveal the entire unspoken Republican platform to Fox News viewers in the video clip below.

Follow Vinnie Longobardo on Twitter. 

Original reporting by David Edwards at RawStory.

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Vinnie Longobardo
Managing Editor
Vinnie Longobardo is the Managing Editor of Occupy Democrats. He's a 35-year veteran of the TV, mobile & internet industries, specializing in start-ups and the international media business. His passions are politics, music, and art.

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