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Trump Fans Just Invented The Dumbest Excuse For Trump’s Covfefe Debacle

Trump Fans Just Invented The Dumbest Excuse For Trump’s Covfefe Debacle

President Trump’s most devout supporters have uncovered what they believe to be a perfectly rational explanation for his garbled covfefe tweet from Tuesday night. He was simply issuing a battle cry in Arabic.


Yes, they claim that the most openly Islamophobic president in U.S. history — and most outwardly racist and xenophobic of our lifetimes — was embracing another culture as he  rallied his “America First” followers. They would truly like us to believe that Trump fully knew the meaning of the tweet, both when he tweeted it and when deleted it the next morning without explanation.

You can’t make these people up:

Some of the more notorious MAGAites are even doing victory dances.

It’s impossible to know if these people have actually convinced themselves that Trump intentionally tweeted a garbled Arabic phrase rather than an even more garbled English one.

After all, it’s not as if they once cheered Trump for saying, “You have to speak English…this is a country where we speak English.” Oh, wait…

h/t to Matt Binder for sharing the mind-numbing thread.

Add your name to the millions demanding the President stop using tax dollars for indulgences. MAKE TRUMP PAY HIS OWN WAY!

Sheila Norton
Sheila Norton is a writer with ten years of Capitol Hill experience. Subscribe to the OD Action email to get all the hottest news delivered right to your inbox every day at

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