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Sally Yates Just Humiliated Ted Cruz During Trump-Russia Hearing

Sally Yates Just Humiliated Ted Cruz During Trump-Russia Hearing

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates is testifying today before the Senate Intelligence Committee as part of the investigation into President Donald Trump and his National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s secret communications with the Russian ambassador.

The Republican members of the committee, however, seem more interested in scolding Yates for shooting down Trump’s un-American and unconstitutional ban on Muslims traveling to the United States.

Despised religious extremist Ted Cruz (R-TX) rudely insinuated that she refused to enforce Trump’s Muslim ban for “partisan reasons.” Yates responded with a beautiful legal smackdown that put the so-called constitutional scholar to shame.

When Cruz tried to smugly argue that Yates’ decision was unprecedented in American history, she fired right back and shut him down.

Sally Yates has quickly become one of the most prominent liberal heroes of the Trump Resistance era, and from these clips, it’s easy to see why! Ted Cruz appears to be more incredulous that a woman dared to defy the President than concerned with the legality of banning the citizens of eight nations from traveling to our country based on their religion. Yates put him right in his place with the determination that our legal institutions need if they’re going to survive four years of autocrat Trump.

Staff Report
This is a staff report from former Occupy Democrats Editor in Chief Colin Taylor or contributor Rob Haffney.

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