An Iowa high school is disciplining football players who yesterday tweeted a photo of themselves in KKK hoods, burning a cross, brandishing the Confederate flag, and waving around an automatic weapon.

Creston Community High School’s principal, Bill Messerole, told the local Creston News Advertiser:

This picture does not represent CCHS, our school system or our community. We are proud of how our students and staff conducted themselves today after the picture became public. It is of the utmost importance that our students feel safe and welcomed in our district.

“Our investigation is ongoing,” Messerole added.

Meanwhile, Union County Sheriff Rick Piel said to the AP, “As far as I know, it’s all being handled by the school,” he said. “We’ve spoken to the county attorney, and we can’t come up with a charge.”

Which begs the question — in light of recent events in Charlottesville and mounting incidents of white supremacist hate crimes— where does free speech end and incitement to violence begin?