This moving letter from a conservative radio talk-show host is a very interesting glimpse into the emotions and motivations that pushed him to vote for Donald Trump – and an important lesson in how we can let our frustration and anger get the better of us, prompting us to make poor decisions one later comes to regret.

Donald Trump is off the rails. He is a train wreck. It’s not just his antics and childish behavior that has me so put off, it’s his failure to improve as a candidate.

After nine months on the campaign trail, I expected Trump to fully grasp the issues and have in-depth policy solutions to our problems. Yet he still is “winging it.” He has failed to surround himself with top-notch, respected experts to craft a legitimate conservative platform. The reality is now clear: Trump has no depth, and he fails to grasp even the most basic conservative principles.

I fell victim to my own hatred. Donald Trump offered me a vehicle to stick it to the bloviating bureaucrats I despise. I dedicated my life to exposing self-promoting career politicians and their love of big government programs. Trump was the guy who was going to scare the hell out of the “establishment,” the guy who was going to turn Washington on its head. So I voted with anger in my heart. I gave my vote to Trump with expectation he would find his way by putting smart constitutional conservatives by his side. Trump didn’t find his way; he got lost.

I fell victim to my own hatred. Donald Trump offered me a vehicle to stick it to the bloviating bureaucrats I despise.

Sadly, I did exactly what my mother always warned me not to do. I made an important decision while in an emotionally fragile state of anger and despair. My vote for Trump amounted to a vendetta against the ruling class of DC career politicians. I made a mistake.

The Republican base is infuriated with their representatives in Congress – and for good reason. The 114th Congress is on track to be the least productive session in American history, as Republican obstructionism has created an unprecedented gridlock that makes the fulfillment of their most basic duties – funding the government – into a vicious and drawn out battle. The gerrymandering of districts has given the GOP’s legislators a sense of invulnerability, an arrogance most unbecoming those ostensibly elected to represent their constituents but who don’t even bother to govern in a reasonable fashion anymore.

Beholden to the interests of corporate oligarchs, their lobbyists, and the whims of the ultrawealthy, the Republican Party no longer represents the American people – and that is the real reason for the rise of Trump. The fact that he just so happens to channel that frustration with primitive ethno-nationalist rhetoric and offers up convenient scapegoats just adds to his popularity. The Republican Party have been laying the seeds of their defeat ever since President Obama was elected – and now they’re paying the price.